times the law does not reflect academic results. This is especially
true when it comes to mental disorders and issues of psychology. A
big area that the law doesn't seem to recognize or understand fully
seems to be the idea of human sexuality. Human sexuality is complex,
and our understanding of it ever growing, but it seems difficult for
the law to keep up with developments in the academic fields.
is first broken down into three main categories:
Identity, which constitutes one's inner feelings about themselves in
relation to others and even their bodies. It incorporates the
biological aspect of sex, but also things around intercourse.
Expression, is similar to identity in that it also incorporates
biological sex and intercourse, but as the name implies it is more
about how such things are expressed. It seems to be a more physical
whereas sexual identity is more internalized and metaphysical, and
has to do with self association.
then Gender. Gender has to do with ones social role and social
of these categories are part of sexuality as they have to do
with how you relate to yourself and others sexually, as well as your
sexual desires and actions. Each aspect can be broken down into other
aspects that address such desires and relations more specifically.
Identity can be broken into 4 different categories. One of the first
that is easily recognizable is sexual orientation, which refers to
the sex of the person one is attracted to. This is not that simple
though. It refers not only to the object of one's attraction/desires
but also refers to one's own sex, which is itself another category.
Sexual orientation is derived from the sex of the object in relation
to the person who is doing the objectifying. It can be broken into
many categories but the main ones that come to mind and that are
legally recognized are heterosexual and homosexual. Others include bisexual, asexual, pansexual, etc.
A quick review just incase you've never heard of these other forms. Bisexual is being attracted to both males and females. There is some conflict within the movement about this but that is the simplest and easiest way to understand it if you don't yet. Asexual's are those who have no (or very little) sexual desire's. This does not mean that they can't or don't have sex but that they don't have a need or want per se to have sex. Pansexuals identify as being attracted to people of any sex, including those who are intersex, or transitioning their sex, or any variation thereof.
A quick review just incase you've never heard of these other forms. Bisexual is being attracted to both males and females. There is some conflict within the movement about this but that is the simplest and easiest way to understand it if you don't yet. Asexual's are those who have no (or very little) sexual desire's. This does not mean that they can't or don't have sex but that they don't have a need or want per se to have sex. Pansexuals identify as being attracted to people of any sex, including those who are intersex, or transitioning their sex, or any variation thereof.
category under 'sex' is sex identity. While one may have a biological
sex that is determined by many things, a person may not identify with
that sex, for whatever reason. This often may go hand in hand with
not identifying with assigned gender but this need not be the case.
Sex identity refers to the labels of male and female, and how a
person relates to these labels and the associated characteristics. A
person may be biologically male, but identify more as a female. They
may feel that the characteristics that constitute female more
accurately describe their being, or for any other reason identify as
more of the opposite sex to their own. It is important to note that sex identity is not necessarily limited to male or female (eg. intersex persons).
third category under sexual identity is sexual preference. Sexual
preference is reflective of desired behaviors. What behaviors does an
individual find appealing, or most desire. This is not indicative of
just one behavior though; sexual preference incorporates all
behaviors and how one feels and associates their self to those
behaviors. These preferences are broken into three subcategories.
most basic category is just behavior, or 'normal behavior. This
encompasses just what is considered 'everyday sex'. This can refer to
position during sex, or dominance in sex, or desire for speech etc.
The main two categories are paraphilia and fetish. These two
categories are still highly debated even in the academic field and
many times definitions seem interlocking. In the current usage it
seems that a both refer to specific acts, that are generally
considered non-normative that provide sexual arousal or stimulation.
It seems to be the case that in psychology a fetish has these aspects
and is non harmful. In other words it causes no distress or other
mental/physical harm. A paraphilia seems to be what a fetish is
called when it becomes harmful. There are proposals for the DSM V to
change the definition and diagnostic criteria of a paraphilia, from a
subwork group specifically geared toward the diagnosis of
paraphilias. These may also change the academic and clinical
definitions of what constitutes a fetish as well.
next big branch of sexuality is sexual expression. Sexual expression
has to do with the physical aspects of one's sex an sexual practices.
The first category one would probably think of under this is
biological sex. A person's biological sex refers to their biology and
physical anatomy. In other words, your sex is determined by what
"parts" you have, or even some people go as far to say
one's sex is what chromosomes make up their DNA code. The difference
between this and a person's gender is that their gender is not
predicated on anything biological, or even physical. Gender is a
social construct that is entirely separate from one's sex, and will
be discussed more later in this article. But, for example someone can
be biologically male, but be a woman. Woman and man as categories are
defined by certain social characteristics like "toughness",
or empathy. Even things like how a person dresses or does their hair,
or talks, or walks encompass what is gender.
the law such things are starting to be more and more recognized, at
least in the most basic form. The Equality Act of 2010 allows for the
recognition of gender reassignment. There are flaws in that it still
recognizes gender and sex as essentially connected. The law states
that one has the characteristic of gender reassignment if "the
person is proposing to undergo, is undergoing or has undergone a
process (or part of a process) for the purpose of reassigning the
person's sex by changing physiological or other attributes of sex."
This makes that one must want or intend to have a sex change in order
to have their gender reassigned, which implies some sort of
connection. However, as many prominent academics have noted gender
and sex are not necessarily related. Many transgender people do not
wish to remove or change their sex. They may wish to adjust some of
their physical characteristics to fit into their desired gender
better, like breast reduction because men with "moobs" are
ridiculed and not considered "real men". Such a change
though doesn't mean that they necessarily want a penis or that they
want hormones to help grow facial hair etc. It can vary from person
to person.
other part of sexual expression has to do with your sexual practices.
What do you do in regards to sex? This relates back to one's sexual
preferences. Generally a person's sexual practice in some way reflect
their preference, whether they be a reflection like a mirror, or one
denying their preferences. Just like sexual preference, sexual
practices can be broken into the same categories: Paraphilia, fetish,
and normative behavior. Just like before all of these have the same
definitions and meanings, but rather than how you feel about such
things, in this aspect its about your actions on such
desires/preferences. So you may have a paraphilia, pedophilia for
example, but not act on it. This would make up your sexual practice
but your preference is still reflective of that paraphilia.
final large branch of human sexuality is gender. Gender for many
people is confusing. Many like to think of it as the same as sex.
Academics, and the law, are increasingly recognizing the difference.
Sex as stated above has to do with one's physical
aspects/characteristics. Gender is socially constructed. Gender
refers to categories of people and the behaviors and ways people
should relate to those categories. Gender theorists break gender into
two main categories: Gender Identity and Gender Expression.
to above, gender identity has to do with how one internalizes their
gender or how an individual relates to gender categories and labels.
These categories as pushed by society have historically been seen as
a binary. But as more and more people start to recognize these social
boxes, and realize they don't fit or identify with the box people
have created and assigned to them. These realizations have led to the
'creation', I would say realization, of the possibility of changing
genders and even the possibility of there being more than two
genders. This has allowed for a plethora of new gender identities to start to emerge including; gender nonconforming, genderqueer, agender, transgender, gender fuck, gender fluid, and many more.
expression, again similar to above with sexual expression, is how
people then show or express their gender identity. This may be a to
try to show a true gender identity, or this may be to hide their
identity for whatever reason. Gender expression has to do with your
social behaviors. Such things like, how you walk, how you talk,
mannerisms, how one dresses, hair styles, etc. are all encompassed by
gender expression.
under gender is one's gender preference. A person's gender preference
has to do with one's desires for their sexual partners. How do you
want your partner to look? How do you want them to act? Do you have a
preference? Does it matter to you? How do you want your partner to
identify? Does your partner have to identify with a specific gender?
These are all questions pertaining to the gender preferences for a
partner. An important aspect of gender preferences is to recognize
the interplay of each partner. Similar to sexual orientation, gender
preference is about not only the gender of your partner, but also
your own gender as gender preference incorporates how the two relate.
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