Earlier today the American Sociological Association (ASA) filed a brief to the Supreme Court in support of marriage equality. In the brief the ASA focused on same-sex parenting and clearly states that children fare just as well when raised by same-sex couples. The ASA states, "When the social science evidence is exhaustively examined -- which the ASA has done -- the facts demonstrate that children fare just as well when raised by same-sex parents. Unsubstantiated fears regarding same-sex child rearing do not overcome these facts and do not justify upholding DOMA and Proposition 8."
The extensive brief examines tons of research. Probably one of the most important things about this brief though is the refutation given by the ASA to studies consistently used by anti-marriage equality groups such as NOM. The report specifically mentions and addresses the Regnerus Study stating, "All told, the Regnerus study ... does not undermine the consensus that children raised by same-sex parents fare just as well as those raised by opposite-sex parents."
One interesting thing the study says is that there could be more benefit for children from the added stability of same-sex couples being able to be married. If they are already faring just as well as those raised by opposite-sex couples, what then will the outcomes be if marriage equality is passed?
You can read the full brief below.
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